Sound healing is a therapeutic practice that uses the vibrations and frequencies of sound to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Through the use of various instruments such as singing bowls, tuning forks, and chimes, sound healing works by resonating with the body's energy fields, helping to release blockages and restore balance. The sound waves penetrate deeply into the body, calming the nervous system, reducing stress, and promoting relaxation. This practice can help harmonize the body’s energy, clear negative emotions, and enhance mental clarity, fostering a sense of peace and rejuvenation. Whether through gentle tones or powerful resonances, sound healing encourages the body to enter a state of deep relaxation, allowing for the release of tension and the activation of the body’s natural healing processes. Ideal for those seeking to restore equilibrium, alleviate stress, and reconnect with their inner self, sound healing offers a holistic approach to wellness.
All levels of experience are welcomed.
16 people max
Investment $20